
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fresh Princes of Celt Air

Druidism was commonly practiced throughout Celtic Europe and Galatia up until the 3rd Century AD. Druids were very important members of Celtic society, ranking as high priests and soothsayers. they were often counsels for the village leaders, or were elders and made executive decisions in a community. Very little is known about the druids, as they left few writings, only accounts from the Greek, Roman and local authors remain. Druids believed greatly in the healing power of nature. They gathered herbs and made potions and remedies, believing that they would heal or grant special abilities. They worshiped the nature gods and sacrificed animals according to the moon. They believed in reincarnation, and often held secretive, cult-like practices. The Romans attempted to suppress the druidic beliefs, as did christians when christianity spread into Gaul and Celtic lands. They believed that through practice and belief, mystical powers could be used, such as transmutation, teleportation, healing, fertility, strength and communication with the afterlife. They served as judges often, and observed the stars. Once a year they would all gather together in a very secretive ritual. The sources that we have on druids however, are few and far between, and their credibility has been greatly questioned and criticized. All in all, druids are a very mysterious and oft-forgotten sect.


  1. Hey Santiago,
    I really enjoyed learning about druids and their interesting society. I feel that you have done a great job with explaining what a druid is! I would like to know if their were any important druids in history? Perhaps a druid that helped change the events of history? Maybe even describe what makes druids different from Pagans? I also completely understand how people can worship nature because my mother is crazy for all natural products. She might as well worship nature! All in all, I learned a lot of interesting information from your post. Hugo (OES)

  2. Hi Santiago,

    I found your blog post very informative and overall well written. I had never really heard of the Druids so I enjoyed getting to learn about them in this post. From what I have read so far they seemed like very interesting people and it's a shame that there isn't extensive amounts of information on them. Even so, what do you think was the main reason their cult died out? Do you think it was because of the spread of Christianity?


    1. Hi Ava,

      There were a few reasons, but the main one was the spread of Christianity. The Romans as well didn't like them and wiped many of them out, as they were oppositional to Roman occupation.
